Wednesday, May 1, 2024


by Cristina

Wow! These are some crazy days for Lululemon. Swim usually comes pretty early in the season – usually February/March is the first release. So this majority swim upload is very strange indeed, especially considering some of the pieces are old product from last season.  Where did all our winter running gear go? we got so few 1/2 zips, long sleeves and winter run pants and what we did get was bits and pieces divided between the US and Canada. So crazy! Needless to say, nothing for me today. I was toying with getting a Mind & Body Kit in the print but I want to see it in store so I can cherry pick and so far none of the stores have gotten the new Blooming Pixie print one. Did you order anything today? 

Water Salty Swim Rashguard (US)

Define Jacket (CAN)

Raspberry Glow High Times (US)

Scuba Hoodie (CAN)

Tonights The Night Leotard (CAN/US)

Sweaty Endeavour Bra (US/CAN)

Water Racer Tankini 

Water Surf To Sand Sport Top

After All Pullover

Vent It Long Sleeve

Vent It Tank

Align Pant (CAN)

Hustle In Your Bustle Jacket (US)

Pace Rival Crops (US)

Pace Rival Crops (CAN)

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Anonymous December 29, 2015 - 11:33 pm

I know clothes typically come out a season early but really? Bikinis already? I saw it all at the Santa Monica store yesterday on the same day when nearly every dog was wearing a sweater.

lawsonsmom December 29, 2015 - 11:34 pm

As it always makes TOTAL sense to release "water" products at the end of December! Total sense!

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 12:58 am

Actually I think it is a great idea. Half the people I know go down south for vacation and it is nearly impossible to find a bathing suit.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 1:55 am

yes water does exist even at the end of December!

lawsonsmom December 31, 2015 - 12:38 pm

I'm in savannah, Ga. Not sure there is even a market for swimwear here at the moment and it was 79 yesterday. And we live near the beach and in a gated community with 4 pools, but hey, whatever works for them. Saved me my $1000 a month my husband complains I spend every month on LLL. I'm sure he appreciates it totally.

Anonymous January 1, 2016 - 9:32 pm

Yes because Lulu caters specifically to you. Good grief.

Anonymous December 29, 2015 - 11:39 pm

Oh man…. Lulu, you just lost me.

Anna December 29, 2015 - 11:40 pm

Zzzz…. I did get the sweaty endeavour bra to try, but otherwise it was very uninspiring.

Anonymous December 29, 2015 - 11:44 pm

Wallet is safe for me!

Lululover December 29, 2015 - 11:50 pm

This is weird,,, at first I thought there was some kind of glitch and I somehow ended up on Australian web site! Nothing for me, not ready for bikini yet

Stephanie December 30, 2015 - 12:03 am

Same here, had to check the country 🙂

reya December 30, 2015 - 12:15 am

Haha, me too!!!

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 12:18 am

That's what I thought too. Also crazy that the black and white Runbeam I just put up on Tradesy is there as well. I got all confused for a second.

Nadine Stilwell December 30, 2015 - 3:53 am

thought I had the country wrong too

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 12:06 am

Another week of this dumb a$$ company NOT getting any of my money!

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 1:54 am

oh don't you worry the stores are packed with people buying their stuff.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 2:58 am

Fully agree Anon 4:06.

And Anon 5:54, who is worried? Hardly the customer who is saving money and no longer buying so much (myself included). But LLL really should, everyone knows their financials are bad. They had to re-forecast Q4 because they suck so bad.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 3:11 am

no use getting upset over a dumb a$$ company, yeah?

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 3:40 pm

Actually it's been a while since I've see their stores busy. On Boxing Day I went to one of their stores and there were no lineups (every single past year you had to wait in line to enter the store and to pay). A couple days ago went again to a store and there were only a few people inside.

Anonymous December 31, 2015 - 1:25 am

why are so many people concerned about the company's financials? who cares about their "financials"!

Anonymous December 31, 2015 - 2:18 am

Many of us are not only guests but also shareholders…

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 12:08 am

Wow I too thought I was on the Australian website when I saw the swimwear on the Canadian site. A little baffled by this but I guess people going away to warm vacation destinations will like this uploadl. I was really bummed that Canada didn't get the Vent It SS top, we got the LS and the tank but why oh why not the SS. I saw in store today the Run Times in the Blooming Pixie Multi Black and thought they would be in tonights upload but they weren't, confusing? Nothing for me.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 12:20 am

My wallet needed a break so it received one tonight. The swimwear is puzzling especially since we received our first snowfall last night. Not in the mood for old stock or swimwear. The old stock should have been placed on boxing day wmtm. Trying to trick regular customers with old stock is only going to lose them.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 3:01 am

Good point on old stock should have gone to wmtm and trying to trick regular customers.

I think LLL is in desperate times mode.

Unknown December 30, 2015 - 12:30 am

Do you think lulu will come out in a blooming pixie crb?

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 12:50 am

Costco puts out their swim stuff now too. Lots of winter vacationers I guess? I'm not a big fan of prints but man I love those pace rivals in that pixie print. Nothing for me but maybe I'll come back for those.

shirley December 30, 2015 - 1:05 am

In the Northeast, most have a weeklong break in February- some ski, others head south. Various catalog companies put out a "Resort" or "Escape" line in January. So a swim capsule, while a departure for LLL, is not all that odd.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 1:06 am

Berry rumble define jacket is tempting me. But I found the new & go long sleeve on markdown today, and the ultra violet restless pullover (full price). I hate returning stuff at LLL, only to walk out with more cute clothes.

formerly non 4:41 December 30, 2015 - 1:11 am

I literally laughed out loud at this upload… i mean what's with the swim?! we just had our first snowfall LOL anyways, i was hoping to see more colours in the 3 strap all sport, or pace queen tights. meh, on to the next…

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 1:52 am

you are not their only customer!

formerly non 4:41 December 30, 2015 - 2:32 am


Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 3:12 am

have you, perhaps, heard of the concept of a tropical vacation?

Laura S. December 30, 2015 - 12:52 pm

Have you heard of the concept of being a bitch?

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 2:48 pm

Now now, ladies. No need to be nasty. Of course we all know about tropical vacations in winter, but for those of us in Canada facing a weak dollar, those things are a bit more of a rarity than they used to be. Many of us are just looking out the window at the first snow, and an upload of swimwear merely emphasizes how much fun we aren't going to be having for the next few months. Also, nobody can deny that lulu has fallen a bit short with winter running gear this year.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 1:35 am

Many companies do put out a "cruise" type line right now, so that part is not so weird; I've just never seen Lulu do it. Oh well, it will go to WMTM about the time I want to buy.

angie December 30, 2015 - 1:57 am

I know most are rolling their eyes, but hooray swim stuff! I was pleasantly surprised to see swim items already since I swim year round (outdoor heated pool in California). Blooming pixie is so pretty! Crossing fingers that speeds in this print will also come out soon.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 2:02 am

Stupid, stupid, stupid company. Wow, I'm simply stunned at their business strategy. I'm sure you will hear from many "educators" who are "so happy" to see the Swim line after a PATHETIC Winter line. Simply ridiculous, and these offerings now are so horribly cheap looking. I'm so done with Lulu

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 5:43 am

See ya!

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 2:51 am

I like the anonymous commenter(s) here that feels like they have something to prove. Corporations aren't your friends. LLL's financials speak volumes and, let's be honest, a lot of people going on vacation aren't buying LLL swimwear (and a lot of it has ended up on WMTM in past seasons, so a lot of people aren't buying it period). And the stores might be "packed" with people buying their stuff, but you drinking the Kool-aid and bizarrely going on the defensive doesn't negate the financial reality (and the increasing number of bad product reviews). It's not unreasonable that people want winter gear in winter, and this is just one in a string of increasingly odd business decisions. Release your swimwear in December, but not in place of more seasonally appropriate gear. I personally would never spend money on LLL swimwear regardless of when it's released, so as a result, I simply won't buy anything because the products I want simply aren't available.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 3:06 am

Agreed anon 6:51 on your comments, totally on point

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 3:14 am

may i remind you, quite gently, that this is just activewear? and that there are a dozen other brands there who would very gladly divest you of your $$?

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 3:35 am

Hence not buying anything from LLL. Might want to work on your reading comprehension.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 4:19 am

might want to snark less tho.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 4:26 am

@anon 735 pm – if you can react that way to a gentle reminder then you just might be more upset over LLL than you make out to be. *wink wink*

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 5:50 am

Love all the LLL trolls hanging around to defend the company and their stupid decisions! 🙂

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 6:26 am

oh my god, I haven't been on these LLL blogs for some months now, and have been over my lulu addiction for around same amount of time. Thought I'd check the blogs seeing as though I did receive a gift card for Christmas… can't believe I was ever a part of this nonsense before, it all seems so crazy now… I can't see myself ever going back to being so obsessed and addicted to lulu ever again, even if they ever do happen to go back to the way they were when they first started out… it's just clothes… this stuff isn't worth obsessing over… to say the majority of the clothing Lulu offers is meant to be for yoga, it just doesn't seem like the company or a lot of it's customers really are aware of the true meaning of yoga… kinda sad really… Anyway, I'm not here to offend anyone, but hope to bring some awareness that there are much more important things to put our thoughts and time into than this kind of thing…

Lulumama11 December 30, 2015 - 7:25 am

totally right! Been slowly letting the materialistic self go. It's a good "detox" going into the new year :). Glad you're on to better things… I'm a work in progress! Thanks for the reminder 🙂

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 11:54 am

Oh Anonymous 10:26, the spamming troll comes out into the sunlight. I figured all the trolling comments were from one person. I'm not a Lulu addict, I just like Lulu. Mostly the older stuff, but some of the newer stuff has value too. Just because people aren't at the same place in their impressions or habits regarding Lulu that you are, doesn't make them wrong. This is a fashion blog, and Lulu doesn't claim to teach yoga. They may have started out yoga based, but they have moved into fitness, which also includes getting to and from class, and looking your fit best between classes. The true meaning of yoga? I don't think you know what that is either. Really look into it… it's not about fitness at all.
On that note, good for you for moving on, but let me give you a "gentle reminder". Don't be a jerk to people that aren't as "enlightened" as you believe you are. This is a fashion blog.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 2:54 am

Sure even though it is warm in some places and swimwear can be purchased for vacation, wow, what a ridiculous product to be uploading at this time. It's mostly winter everywhere.

haha what a company. I find it too funny! Oh, and all the other stuff is ugly and has zero appeal!

stylistadiva1 December 30, 2015 - 3:24 am

No must haves for me again this week. Even in store I was less than enthused to purchase anything. I was going to buy a couple of regular priced items, but looked at the lengthy lineup to purchase/return and decided I wouldn't bother. This likely means I didn't really need it anyway. Sigh.

lulubell December 30, 2015 - 5:23 pm

Same here. I went to exchange a couple things, picked out a few new things I liked, realized the cashier line was 30 people long and left. I can't wait for the stores to go back to normal!

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 3:44 am

I keep waiting for the runderful long sleeve if they bring it out in a different colour like blue, it's the only thing I've wanted all winter so plenty of money saved here!

reya December 30, 2015 - 3:49 am They're having warehouse sale in Edmonton. Seattle, Vancouver, Edmonton, Boston… They must have a ton of merchandise piling up

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 4:06 am

I am dismayed by the number of snarky comments directed towards each other here. Especially this time of year. Let's all try to remember the reason why we congregate here in the first place….we share a common affection for a brand. Some of us feel very strongly about it and I don't see anything wrong with them venting their disappointment…who else better to vent too. This should be the place where we all understand and get it. Can we please be nicer and more respectful of each other? LLM invests her time to bring this forum to us, let's try to keep it positive for all. Please.

reya December 30, 2015 - 4:15 am

Thanks for saying what many people reading through comments the past couple months probably wanted to say but couldn't find the words to. Everyone needs to chill out, Put on those clothes we all love and go for a run or do some yoga or something that gets endorphins going and spread a little love.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 6:38 am

I check the comments section of this blog faithfully, and have been for years, looking for reader fit reviews and comments on fabrics. They are so few and far between now! LLM is it possible to create a forum or comment section that is dedicated to this?

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 1:11 pm

I could not possibly agree more. We lost Agent Athletica's dedication to Lulu because of all the drama. We don't want to lose LLM, LLA, and any of the other fun, witty, and energizing bloggers out there. Please be friendly and helpful.

Fit reviews, especially that involve situations (petite, tall, long/short-armed, long/short-torso, long-short legged, etc. are extremely helpful! I love them as I often need to look for reviews of older gems as Lulu clears the cache once the product's gone. Well, let's be honest, many of us trade, buy, and sell our loved Lulu. It's nice to look back on a forum and get help. It's funny, because many times when I look back for an item, I read the comments to get color/fit, etc. reviews and read the same type of drama. It has always been present and comes in spurts – typically after a rather disappointing season. Unfortunately, 2015 left many if us with cocked heads and a raised eyebrow. I can only dream of a well-balanced 2016.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 8:22 pm

It doesn't help that the company doesn't let stores post pics anymore! That was one of my favorite things to look at on the blogs.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 4:11 am

All I want is the Berry Rumble Rest Less PO that Canada got. Guess I'll have to wait until winter's over…

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 4:14 am

I'm DYING for this. Really don't appreciate the person(s) selling the full size run for an offensive amount on eBay.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 5:38 am

They put out the swim stuff every winter (usually february.) I guess most of the commenters confused by this must be new customers to the brand as lululemon has been doing this for years. Perfect for vacations or indoor lap swim in winter.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 6:35 am

Sure, but not at the expense of product lines that are seasonally appropriate for much for the northern hemisphere. And never in December, as far as I can remember.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 1:18 pm

Thanks, Lulumum! All I gotta add to that is… It's just one more week 'til next Tuesday. 🙂

I sure hope it's full of warm and cozy January-like items for the two coldest months of the year. February starts the spring line. Then, *gasp* Rulu Season is over. :O

Lulumum December 30, 2015 - 6:49 am

I started this forum years ago but haven't been moderating it. Please feel free to bring it back to life if you like. ( ). I will moderate and housekeep if it is lively again.

I have been stepping back on moderating on upload post comments as I think it's valuable for Lululemon to see what their most valuable, avid and plugged in consumer is feeling. Most customers are very informed on purchases these days as they want value. Have you made any purchase over $50 lately for anything without reading online review? I know I don't make ANY makeup purchases without reading dozens of reviews at least, read blog posts and forums (for handbags especially) before investing my time and energy in making a purchase and that is for a simple purchase like makeup. Lululemon knows this. Your comments (whatever side they are on) are valuable. If your comments are inauthentic and based on an agenda (i.e. working for the brand) then you are not helping the company by spamming positivity.

Anonymous December 31, 2015 - 1:31 am

Christina I don't work for the company, I do get tired of people whining so much about uploads and feel I need to be positive.

Lulumum December 31, 2015 - 1:35 am

I can appreciate that. Thanks for balancing out the negative with some positive.

Beth December 30, 2015 - 1:57 pm

Completely agree with LLM on winter running gear – I thought it was just me. :-/ Really disappointing winter running selection this year…I've been holding out for another running coat/jacket option but I guess it's just not going to happen. Total bummer.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 2:55 pm

All I want is that black/raspberry heathered swiftly long sleeve that is in the UK and Hong Kong sites. I wonder if it will ever be available in Canada!

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 5:18 pm

Yes, please! I have been watching for this like a hawk!

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 2:58 pm

Tried to order a few of the newly uploaded swim tops and my gift card didn't go through (more than sufficient funds). However, it was serendipitous since I had failed to notice that it said "final sale" on those new swim bras. I know this has not been the case in the past. Anyone know if this us new policy or possibly error?

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 3:38 pm

probably an error; on some occasions when I order spot bra's off mobile it displays the final sale message at checkout/cart page but we know this is not the case. never had a problem returning a bra even after the final sale message appeared.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 3:40 pm

it's a glitch, this is posted on the lulu site on the swim top page: Getting the right fit is important when it comes to swim suits! If you're not in love, send it back—returns are on us.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 4:40 pm

Thanks for your replies! I tried to place the order again just now and the final sale notice is gone and my gift card did properly go through. I don't know what's going on with their gift card processing problem, but I after a few tries it finally go through…

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 4:20 pm

For all the people posting that stores are empty lately, maybe that's just in the US where there are more choices for activewear? Anytime I went into my local this Christmas (I'm in Alberta) it was always packed. I think us Canadians have fewer options, so we're a bit cornered by Lulu.

As for the swimwear, I don't need any at the moment so it was kind of a bust of a upload for me. It also gets too cold and icy for me to want to workout outside so their cold run gear isn't as appealing (just my preference). I'd rather see interesting clothes for wearing to the gym (even just a longer top in their soft cotton) and to and from stuff. I bought the passage sweater recently and its a great piece for to and from but a tad delicate.

lulubell December 30, 2015 - 5:33 pm

I live int the US and my local store has been packed. It doesn't seem to matter the time of day or day of the week. I live in a major city though, so maybe if you are in a less populated area? I'm envious of those with empty stores. I've found dressing room lines and long check out waits to be a nightmare with my two kids in tow.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 5:48 pm

I went into Richmond, BC and Vancouver (Kits, 4th Ave) and both stores were pretty empty. Went on Boxing Day around 11AM at the Richmond one, and then a couple days later during afternoon in Richmond and Vancouver. No lineups for cashier nor fitting rooms. Just people browsing and not buying much.

lulubell December 30, 2015 - 5:59 pm

Lucky!! It would have been so nice to be able to shop in an empty store! Slightly unsettling, but still lovely.

Anonymous January 1, 2016 - 12:47 am

I live in Edmonton and all the stores are busy every day.

Skendall December 30, 2015 - 5:42 pm

I'm not sure whether to be more bothered by the fact that they release swimwear in the first week of winter, or the fact that this swimwear does not even look practical for actually swimming. That one piece is a joke. I'm imagining that suit on a girl with a booty and she is going to be very exposed. Those suits look great for lying around on the beach, but good luck swimming in the ocean and coming out of the water not exposed. What's with all the cattiness ladies? Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Some of us can't afford to go to Jamaica over the winter and just want a damn scarf or some tights to keep our butts warm. Others want to buy overpriced not functional swimwear…

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 5:51 pm

Wasn't this the one major complaint last year too? Swimwear not covering the 'essential' areas while swimming. Why would Lulu continue with this non-sense then? Sigh…..

lulubell December 30, 2015 - 6:03 pm

Yes, and every time I've been to the outlet in the past year, all the bikini pieces were there. The markdown went lower and lower. Then on Monday, it was all in a huge bin marked $4 each! I personally think they should give up on swim. I don't think they do it as well as other companies.

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 7:40 pm

See, I love Brazilian cut bottoms for my regular bathing suits, but I would much rather buy a bikini elsewhere (Vix, etc.). If I want rash guards and more sporty stuff, there are countless brands that do it cuter and that have been doing it for much, much longer. I feel like they angle hard for stand-up paddle boarders, but honestly…it's just not that strenuous. I don't need LLL gear to do that. If I want to swim laps? I'm just going to buy a one piece from a brand that specializes in competitive swim gear. I am sure there are people that love their LLL swim stuff and it works great for them, but to me it seems like they're trying to make their swim gear be everything to everyone. I definitely couldn't see myself laying out on a beach in this stuff, and I do think the more revealing bottoms miss the mark for a lot of their customers.

Anonymous December 31, 2015 - 5:10 am

I really like my LLL suit for lap swimming. The Sport Top isn't revealing, and even though there's no padding, the printed top doesn't really show the nips even when it's cold (can't say anything about other colors though). I swim in the hipster bottoms as well. It would be better if it came with one long continuous drawstring rather than the super stretchy elastic one that's attached to the bottoms. I have to tie mine quite tightly, and I'm not sure how it affects the material in the long run, but for now, it performs just fine for laps. I haven't had any accidents during push offs or flipturns, which is pretty much my only concern. No, it's not as great as my Speedo or TYR 2-pieces, but I still keep my LLL 2p in my suit rotation. (I haven't tried the bikini-cut bottoms for lap swimming but I doubt they would work. No drawstring is a big dealbreaker.)

I really do wish LLL would come out with suits with performance in mind. I can always always rely on Speedo or brands of the like, but they usually only have solids or ugly prints.

Sarah December 30, 2015 - 8:54 pm

So for me it's not about the swim line coming out so early – as others above me have posted, most companies do a "resort wear" line sometime after Christmas. What gets me is how awful the swim offerings are every year. None of it seems even remotely wearable for the "average" active body type. Meaning: I do not want my butt hanging out at the splash park with my kids. Also I require more than just a flimsy top piece for both support and also nip coverage. I feel like LLL has been told these same things year after year by consumers but doesn't listen. Sure, make a few fun flirty revealing suits, but why can't we have a few that are a little more discreet? I agree with posters above, they either need to re-think and re-do the entire swim line or give it up completely. And yes the outlets have been literally giving away bathing suits for as many years as I have seen them…

Anonymous December 30, 2015 - 11:17 pm

Lulu can release their swim line whenever they want, but until they start putting cups in their tops, I'm not interested. Cups have been a major part of the swim line feedback for such a long time, I can't believe they haven't listened.

Anonymous December 31, 2015 - 5:22 am

I have lulu swim tops from two years ago that have padding. However the other commenters are right, the swim line is ill purposed for athletic activity (doesn't fit well and material sags / drags in the water). The suits are skimpy and not cute enough for lounging, yet not good enough for actual water activity. Much prefer JCrew.

dogrunner January 4, 2016 - 7:04 pm

I was just in hawaii and some of this stuff blew out in the week that I was there…not just the swim. I bought two swim tops (can't do the cheeky bottoms although It seems the rest of the world can. Just about all swim suits I saw on the beach were cheeky)I saw the release of the swim as a good move for them. After christmas, lots of stores release a resort line for upcoming vacationers. Shoot, Target is all valentines day already


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